Medical Antiques Sale Catalogue

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1.   Elisabeth Bennion, Antique Medical Instruments. London: 1979. 355 pp. 380 illus. The book offers a scholarly survey of all sorts of important medical antiques to 1870.  Out of print.  Contact for price.

2.   Elisabeth Bennion, Antique Dental Instruments. London: 1986. 192 pp. 162 illustrations and 21 color plates. The best reference on antique dental instrumentation. Out of print. New old stock.  $145

3.  Gordon Dammann, D.D.S., Pictorial Encyclopedia of Civil War Medical Instruments, Vols. I,II,III. Missoula: 1983, 1988, 1998. About 330 pp. Some 400 illustrations. Though an uneven and sometimes unreliable series, the books offer the best single concentration of Civil War period medical items.  $45

4.  Ira Rutkow, M.D., American Surgery: An Illustrated History. Philadelphia: 1998. 639 pp. 427 illus. The best reference of its type on American surgery from Colonial times to the present. Some pictures of items from this collector are reproduced in this book.  OUT OF STOCK

5.  Kedarnath Das, M.D., Obstetric Forceps: Its History and Evolution. Leeds: 1993. 903 pp. 876 illus. This fine reprint of the 1929 Calcutta edition is still the best work on the forceps. The forceps is discussed and illustrated in chronological order.  $175

6.  Facsimile reprints of the Snowden & Bros. 1860, Philadelphia, and the Weiss 1863, London, medical and surgical instrument catalogues, bound as one with 344 pp. Both catalogues are illustrated and are an excellent primary resource for Civil War period instruments.  $150

7.  A facsimile reprint of Tiemann’s 1889 general catalogue of medical and surgical instruments. Some 4,400 instruments are illustrated in the 846-page volume. The reprint also contains a history of the Tiemann company, which was based in New York City and which was the largest supplier of medical equipment at the time. This is the essential nineteenth century primary source for the medical collector and historian of American instrumentation.  Out of stock

8.  James Edmonson, American Surgical Instruments: An Illustrated History of Their Manufacture and a Directory of Instrument Makers to 1900. San Francisco: 1997. 352 pp. 307 illus. (mostly photographs) and 14 color plates showing 27 photographs. Dr. Edmonson, Curator of the Dittrick Museum of Medical History, Case Western Reserve University, has researched and written this outstanding resource on the manufacture of surgical instruments in the United States. The scholarly text, the numerous photographs (over 40 are from this collector), and the detailed directory, largely based upon business directories, are of great value to the student and collector. This work is, without question, the best reference on the history of American instrumentation.  $150

9.  Bryan Montague Hibbard, M.D., The Obstetrician’s Armamentarium: Historical Obstetric Instruments and Their Inventors.  San Anselmo: 2000.  324 pp.  502  illustrations.  A most useful and scholarly discussion of obstetric instrumentation.  $245

10.  James V. Ricci, M.D., The Development of Gynaecological Surgery and Instruments. San Francisco: 1990 (reprint of 1949 edition).   594 pp. 236 illustrations.  A fine history of gynecological surgery and instruments from antiquity to c. 1900.  Out of stock

11.  Audrey Davis and Toby Apple, Bloodletting Instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology.  Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979, 103 pages.  124 illustrations.  Soft Cover.  The best single-source reference on antique bloodletting instruments.  One copy is in stock.  $175

12.  John K. Crellin, Medical Ceramics:  A catalogue of the English and Dutch collections in the Museum of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine.  London: Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine, 1969.  304 pages.  488 pages.  Out of stock

13.  John K. Crellin, Glass and British Pharmacy 1600-1900: A survey and guide to the Wellcome Collection of British glass.  London: Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine, 1972.  72 pages.  79 illustrations.  Soft Cover.  $175

14.  Gerard L'E. Turner, Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments.  London: Sotheby Publications, 1983.  320 ppd.  440 illus.  One copy is in stock.  $275


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Period surgical manuals, especially ones from the Civil War,  and other medical books are also offered.  Contact us at Send a Message for quotes and to let us know your wants.

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