Alex Peck Antique Scientifica 

Sale Catalogue

Page 19

Below is a listing of a few medical and scientific antiques that are currently for sale. Please feel free to send an e-mail for additional details and to place an order.

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All pictures and text are copyrighted 1982-2025 Alex Peck.  All rights reserved.

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140.  A fine pair of Civil War date regulation Medical Staff epaulettes with applied oak leaves to indicate the rank of major (full surgeon).  The gold finish to the crescents and the two embroidered pillows with old English M.S. letters within the wreaths are superb.  The brass fastening clips of each are marked: HORSTMANN BROTHERS & ALLIEN / NEW YORK. The company is a well-known Civil War outfitter.  SOLD

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141.  A very rare and exquisite Georgian face patch mirror in its original moroccan leather case.  Patches were applied to the face to conceal smallpox scars.  Such mirrors were also used as dental mirrors when cleaning the teeth.  This unusual mirror was made by the London silversmith John Crouch and is hallmarked for the year 1824.  $550


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142.  An interesting and high quality antique bloodletting spring lancet marked A[ndreas]. FISCHER, an Austrian maker, and dated 1791.  The body of the lancet is elaborately decorated.  The inclusion of a date may indicate that the lancet was given to mark some event, such as the recipient becoming a doctor.   SOLD    


143.  A ca. 1840s L.N. Fowler phrenology lecture ticket.  The reverse of the ticket is inscribed in L.N. Fowler's hand, Second vertibra [sic] of an Egyptian Mummy 3000 years old.  Taken from the Tombs of Egypt by Mr. Gliddon the Ex American Consul.  Presented by L.N. Fowler.  The vertebra is actually the atlas and it is from an Egyptian mummy once belonging to George Robins Gliddon (1809-57), then Lorenzo Niles Fowler (1811-1896).   Gliddon's association with Egypt and mummies was known to Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849), and Poe used him as the model for the character Mr. Gliddon in Some Words with a Mummy.  Follow this link for a summary of the connection.  SOLD

phrenology, mummy vertebra, George Gliddon and Lorenzo Fowler.jpg (175253 bytes)

144.  A New London, Connecticut, public document Sealed & delivered in the pressence [sic] of Elijah Perkins, M.D. [autograph], 1791.  Dr. Perkins (d. 1806) was a graduate of Yale College, in 1787, and a practitioner in Philadelphia.  $100  

doc, E. Perkins, 1791, rb.jpg (161187 bytes)


145.  A Bonnafont bugle ear trumpet antique hearing aid with its very rare original leather-covered wood case.   SOLD

hearing aid, shaped case, c. 1800, case.jpg (58625 bytes)

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146.  An ancient carved marble bust of Sarapis, the Ptolemaic god of medicine, death, and resurrection.  The cult of Sarapis was founded by Ptolemy I, the Greek ruler of Egypt, when he melded Greek and Egyptian deities.  Under the aegis of a single god, the functions and attributes of Zeus, Hades, and Asklepios on the one hand and of Osiris-Apis on the other were combined.  During the reigns of Hadrian and the Antonines, the cult of Sarapis became one of the major religions in the Roman Empire.  $950  

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147.  A short monaural stethoscope made of hard rubber, probably prenatal.  $275

stethoscope, monaural, short, HB.jpg (52598 bytes)

148.  A fine c. 1820 antique acupuncture needle with a 1.5" long needle.  The instrument is a variant of the acupuncture needles designed by Edward Jukes, Surgeon Accoucheur to the Westminster Medical Institute, and illustrated in James Morss Churchill,  A Treatise on Acupuncturation..., London, 1821.  The book is online courtesy of Open Library.  At this time, in London, similar acupuncture needles were being sold by the instrument makers Blackwell and Laundy.  Dr. Jukes is thought to be the first to have used acupuncture in England.  He had a mechanic's mind and claimed to have invented the stomach pump.  SOLD  

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149.  A Stratford-Cookson surgical inhaler as first offered in 1907.  $475



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